Thursday, June 23, 2016


The Science of construction is very old. This ancient science of India is known as Vasstu-Shilpa-Shastra, which deals with harmonius co-existence with nature and also for physical, emotional and spiritual well being of human beings.

There are many who vouch for improvements in wealth and health once certain structural change as per vaastu was made in homes. There are also people who scorn this, but once the circulation of air and light is improved with resultant improvement in health, naturally the wealth would improve.

Vaastu is a very old science of construction dating back to the days of Vedas. It is a part of Atharvana Veda and considered as Upaveda or minor Veda. What distinguishes Vaastu from other science of construction is its familiarity with metaphysical energies, positive and negative energies. Vaastu prescribes certain procedures so that energy fields are not distorted.

Fundamental principles of construction in Vaastu

Vaastu, the science of utilizing natural resources without confronting them has laid certain basic principles for construction.

1. Whatever may be the type of construction, the vacant space in East and North should be more than that of West and South.

2. Heavier, hefty structures and fixtures must be in South-western, Southern or Western part of the site.

3. The South-west part should be comparatively elevated.

4. The main door and exit points should be located in strong positions, such as Eastern or Northern, North-east or Southern or South-east or Western or North-west; which are auspicious.

5. Wells, bore wells, sump-tanks, depressions etc., must be in the Eastern or Northern or North East of the site. Care should be taken to ensure that they are not located in a diagonal line extending from North-eastern end of the building to North-eastern corner of the site.

6. Avoid pits, depressions in Southern or Western part of the plot.

7. Flow of rain/drainage, sewage water must flow out of the site either from Northern or Northeast or Eastern Northeast or Central East or Central North.

Out House

Sometimes, the construction of outhouses becomes necessary to remedy the ill effects of Vaastu. In case of sites, which extends from North to South and if house is constructed in the Northern portion, thus leaving the Southern portion. Leaving the Southern portion vacant it would be important to construct outhouse in Southwest to avoid evil effects. The floor of such outhouses must be elevated, than that of main house and should not have entrance, exit in Western or Southern parts.

In case of site extending from West to East, where the main house is constructed in Eastern part house; the Western portion remains vacant, then the construction of an outhouse in the Southwest is necessary. The floor levels of such an outhouse should be elevated and entrance in South should be avoided. Generally outhouses should be avoided on Eastern or Northern part abutting compound, but may be constructed on adjoining Western or Southern compound.

Strong and Weak positions

Main entrance is very significant in Vaastu. Its position has exalted or debilitating effect on the residents; that is favorable or unfavorable.

The vertical intersection of the plot at the Eastern lateral side determines the exalted or strong and debilitating/weak positions. The Northern half side is strong and Southern half side is weak as per Vaastu.

In the similar way, the vertical intersection of Southern lateral side decides the strong and weak positions, the Eastern half side is exalted strong and Western half side is weak.

Further another vertical division of Western side, where Northern half is considered as strong and Southern side is treated as weak.

In addition, another vertical division of Northern lateral side creates strong and weak positions, where Eastern half is exalted (strong) and Western half is debilitated or weak.

In a nutshell, the sides on the North and East like Northern Northeast, Eastern Northeast, Southern Southeast and Western Northwest are strong, favorable positions and sides on South and West are weak/debilitating and positioning the main entrance on any of the above directions plays important role in the life of the occupants.

(a) Eastern Northeast: This is very strong position. It is associated with intellect. People inhabiting the house having main entrance in Eastern Northeast develop and become intellectuals and knowledgeable. They are respected in the society.

(b) Southern Southeast: This is a favorable position. Main entrance in South Southeast brings good, auspicious results.

(c) Eastern Southeast: This is weak, unfavorable position. Having a main door in Eastern Southeast leads to bad/unfavorable results.

(d) Southern Southwest: Again, this is an unfavorable / debilitating direction. Main entrance in Southern Southeast may lead to financial troubles and ill health of family members, particularly female members.

(e) Western Southwest: This is a weak position. A main entrance in Western Southwest will bring financial troubles. Further health of male head of the family will deteriorate.

(f) Western Northwest: This is a favorable strong position. Inhabitants of house having main entrance in Western Northwest enjoy favorable and good results.

(g) Northern Northwest: This is an unfavorable direction. People residing in houses with main entrance in Northern Northwest develop weak mind, become unpredictable.

(h) Northern Northeast: This is a favorable position. Having a main entrance in North Northeast is gateway for windfall of gains.

Position of furniture is also very crucial. If the main entrance is on Eastern Northeast, the furniture are generally placed towards opposite, that is in South. This helps in Northward movement, which is auspicious.

Likewise a main entrance in Southern Southeast compels to place the furniture in West. This makes way for Eastward movement, which brings in favorable results.

In case of main entrance is in Western Northwest, the heavy furniture is placed towards South and north becomes light, which yields good results.

If the main door is in Northern North east, the heavy furniture are placed in West making East comparatively lighter, which again brings favorable results.

The shape of the site, its topography and direction it faces are very important to determine the actual direction of placement of main door. So it is always advisable to have physical inspection of the site by an expert in Vastu.

Southwest is the most favorable for bedroom/master bedroom. Having a bedroom in East is an open invitation for ill health. Likewise a bedroom in Northwestern would not bring sound sleep and have mental worries. Bedroom in South bring good health, whereas in North results in financial losses. Bedroom in West is good. However, bedroom in Northwest is allowed provided that there is a master bedroom in Southwest. Beds/Cots in bedroom have to be placed in such way, that there is more vacant space towards North and East. While sleeping, the head the most important part of the human body should be placed towards South for sound sleep.

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