Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Develop Renewable Energy

There are roughly 3 Lakh Indian villages without electricity.  We can light up these villages at much less cost and without pollution, if we use solar energy.  Fortunately India is having abundant sunlight to do it.  The solar cell technology has progressed fast lately.  It does not require elaborate and heavy transmission lines and transformers. 

The world has woken up to the vast potential of solar electricity, but most of the research has been carried out in western countries, where there is not enough sunshine throughout the year.  But in India, where the sunlight is available throughout the year, there is lack of technology. In generating power, solar technology, biomass and wind turbines must be developed on war footing.  

The see-saw of atomic agreement need not affect us, if we develop these resources.  Every technology is cost incentive in the beginning.  But as they are developed further, they ultimately  become  cost  effective.  We must  invest     in  the  futuristic  renewable  green  energy.   

We  do  not have  enough  oil  or  natural  gas,  the  modern generators  of  power.  But we do have abundant sun light  and  have   enough  raw  materials   for bio-mass.  It  is  time  that  all  our  efforts  should  be  in  the direction  of  developing   these  energy  sources.   

We have  best  engineering  talent  in  the  country,  which should be used to develop this new technology.  The potential for solar mirrors in the north west like Thar Desert and western Gujarat, is enormous.  

Electricity can be generated by assembling the mirrors.  In fact, if honest and persistent efforts are made to develop these non-conventional sources of energy like Solar Energy, we will definitely achieve the energy independence.

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